We’ve heard from the printer that our Winter 2015 issue will ship on Jan 20—which means it’ll be hitting subscribers’ mailboxes right at the end of this month. If you’ve been keeping up with the blog, you know that 11.2 is a special long-forms issue (with a phat phalanx of extra pages) that comes with a killer companion piece—our long-awaited, full-color, 64-page graphic play, MOTH.

11.2 also offers another of our fab translation features—this time out focusing on the wildly popular (in China) poet Hsiu Yü—a soulful art-song (score by Ellen Ruth Harrison; poems by Jakob Stein), and the delightfully provocative woodcuts of Renegade Printmaker Sean StarWars.

While this is the culmination of our 10th-anniversary initiative, we’ve got lots more celebratin’ planned. Another long-forms issue awaits the intrepid readers of our mag. Start going to the gym, people, so you can lift 12.1. It’s going to be a whopper!