Our amazing associate editor Lisa Ampleman heard over the break that her full-length poetry collection, Full Cry, has won the Stevens Manuscript Contest sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. Today—our first day back in the office—Nicola brought in cupcakes to celebrate . . . and to test the staff’s New Year’s resolutions. Lisa failed. Becky failed. Matt stayed strong. Linwood
laughed uncomfortably and did not partake. Brian looked deeply into the cupcake’s eyes—or rather into the eyes of the cheerful plastic butterfly on top—and won the staring contest (who knew plastic could blink?). Nicola failed. Lisa Summe actually made a stop-and-come-no-closer gesture at the cupcake box. Michael hasn’t come in yet, but we predict he will fail times two. Don would fail but is in California, where (we speculate) many people are unaware cupcakes exist.
Coincidentally, our department is also home to last year’s Stevens winner—Jenn Habel (Good Reason). This year’s judge was Maggie Anderson. Look for Lisa’s book this June. . . .