We’ve been working on something special for this year’s AWP conference and book fair in LA. At our request, printmaker and author of the award-winning The Clown Genocide: A Novel in Woodcuts Billy Simms has created a set of woodblock relief prints to offer new subscribers during the book fair. Modeled after pages in a child’s primer, each print presents a different literary term: A for Allegory, R for Reversal, T for Tone, and S for Symbol. While each print stands alone, when taken together they form the word ARTS (or STAR or TARS or RATS, per your preference). Each also incorporates various symbols that operate in sets of four: the elements, the directions, etc. Printed on heavy paper with hand-torn edges, these 10″ x 10″ works are easily frameable. Subscribers who sign on for two years ($28.00) get to select two; three-year subscribers ($39.00) take home all four. Visit our book fair table (#1141) to see the prints in person and, of course, to say hi!
Frameable Art for AWP!