A screenshot of a website with a gradient of an orange-brown color, a picture on the right of a bombed building in a war zone, and this text: "At 3 am she smokes. In the building opposite, a middle-aged man in a vest and striped pajama bottoms sits in an armchair. His apartment has no wall. She watches him and wonders if he's dead or alive. It's hot. He lifts his head slightly. His phone-shadowed face glows green. She checks her hand."
A screenshot from part of a scene in the digital version of Lucid Dreaming

Managing Editor Lisa Ampleman: With our spring issue at the printer, we wanted to take one last look at Issue 19.2, and in particular the featured playwright, David Greig. When Drama Editor Brant Russell corresponded with Greig about potential plays for that issue, he sent us several for consideration, including Peggy and Lucid Dreaming.

Drama Editor Brant Russell thought that Peggy was a good fit for the print magazine, and that Lucid Dreaming—with its use of messaging-app conversations and devotion to both pop culture and contemporary politics—would be better as a digital, even interactive play. We hired Aubryanna Bailey to animate the play, which you can watch here, after you click “Experience.” Use the arrows at the bottom of each screen/scene to navigate forward or backward, and make sure to press play on the videos/animation.

As we enter our twentieth anniversary year, we’re thrilled to share the work of David Greig with readers in a new way. “David’s work has been on the cutting edge of theatrical form since he co-founded Suspect Culture in the 1990s,” said Russell. “I’m so pleased that the CR can feature his work in a diversity of formats, and that we can count him as one of our contributors.”

We’re also proud that individuals from three different colleges at the University of Cincinnati (College of Arts & Sciences, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning, and the College-Conservatory of Music) were involved in this interdisciplinary venture. Our thanks to both Greig and Bailey for their work on the play!

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