While we’re wary of the fashion trend toward “short shorts and long jackets”, we’re thrilled about short literary things. In fact, just as we finished our nominations for this year’s Best Small Fictions anthology (see below), we got some great news: THREE pieces from our miCRo series were chosen for Best Microfiction 2019!
Congratulations to those winners:
- Sarah Freligh, “Any Body”
- Nicole Rivas, “Crumbs”
- Sarah Salway, “Not Sorry”
And we wanted to spread the love as we chose our nominees for Best Small Fictions this year (picking from all our miCRo and print-journal pieces sometimes feels like being asked to choose our favorite child . . . ), especially since this anthology “features micro fiction, flash fiction, haibun stories and prose poetry.” We’re glad we have the chance to celebrate even more of our fabulous short things. Here are our nominations:
- Vanessa Cuti, “Your Future” (from miCRo)
- Bruce Johnson, “The Slabs” (from miCRo)
- Marie Kare, “National Gingerbread Day” (from Issue 15.1; here’s a different piece from the same series)
- K. C. Mead-Brewer, “The Hunted” (from miCRo)
- Kathy Z. Price, “Mercado de Sabado por la Noche; Con Barbie Negra como Plato de Entrada” (from miCRo)
Thank you to all our readers—and these authors!—for their support of our miCRo series and short things!