Some good news to share for our contributors! As we’ve announced previously on our social media accounts, two contributors had work accepted for anthologies:
Keith Lee Morris‘s story “Sleigh Bells for the Hayride” (Issue 18.1) was chosen for The Best Mystery Stories of the Year 2022
Patch Kirschenbaum‘s story “For Future Reference: Notes on the 7-10 Split” (Issue 18.1; Schiff Award winner) was chosen for the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers. Stories that won this prize will be published by Catapult in their annual anthology, Best Debut Short Stories.
We also heard that work from our pages by three contributors was nominated for the Pushcart Prizes by at least one member of the board of contributing editors for Pushcart:
Wendy Cheng‘s essay “The Instant You Enter the Black Hole” (Issue 18.1)
Patch Kirschenbaum‘s story “For Future Reference: Notes on the 7-10 Split” (Issue 18.1)
Sara Levine‘s story “Wipe Out” (Issue 17.2)
Very belatedly, we also wanted to say that we nominated the following poems for the Nina Riggs Poetry Award this past fall:
Janine Certo, “My Mother Tells Me She May Have Been the Product of Rape” (Issue 18.2)
Jaclyn Dwyer, “Word Problems for Active-Shooter Drills” by Jaclyn Dwyer (Issue 18.1)
Saddiq Dzukogi, “The Cradle Board” (Issue 18.1)
Yuxi Lin, “The Baby” (Issue 18.2)
Kyle Carrero Lopez, “Rescuing Abuelo (1967)” (Issue 18.2)
Amy Sailer, “Duke Medical Center, 1999” (Issue 18.2)
Congratulations or good luck to all, as the case may be!