As Spring moves into full bloom, we come bearing our own gifts! We are so excited to share our incredible nominees for Best New Poets, and the second round of Pushcart nominations, which have been nominated by Pushcart’s very own board of contributing editors. To all of our nominees: we’re rooting for you!
For Best New Poets, we’ve nominated:
- Afua Ansong, “Postcard to Phillis Wheatley” (Issue 19.1)
- Yunkyo Moon Kim, “Apricots” (miCRo series)
For the Pushcart Prize, the board of contributing editors nominated:
- Claire Denson, “Hibernation” (poem, Issue 19.2)
- Alejandro Lucero, “Back Road Dream to the Home I Keep Forgetting” (poem, Issue 19.2)
- Christopher Notarnicola, “Steel beneath Your Chin” (poem, miCRo series)
- Julia Ridley Smith, “Flown” (short, story, Issue 19.2)