miCRo series

miCRo: “Music Indoors” by Adam Gianforcaro

miCRo: “Music Indoors” by Adam Gianforcaro

Beyond the pleasure and surprise of such a fresh occasion for poetry, “Music Indoors” makes exemplary use of lush, atmospheric imagery and a slow, lingering pace to cultivate a kind of sun-drenched, Debussy-soundtracked pocket world…

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miCRo: “Black Life circa 2029” by KB

miCRo: “Black Life circa 2029” by KB

Managing Editor Lisa Ampleman: This poem starts off deceptively simply, with a description of rooms and circumstances—a clean fridge, “intact” window blinds, and money in the bank.

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miCRo: “On Statistics” by Zining Mok

miCRo: “On Statistics” by Zining Mok

We’re given an alienating, bug-eating premise, placed in an effete literary space and positioned at odds with the whole stiff scene (uncomfortable shoes, Wordsworth’s snobbery, the “man, suited and tied”, etc.). Then, suddenly, we are steeped in a rich, compelling argument about Western exceptionalism…

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miCRo: “Also Milk” by Laura Grothaus

miCRo: “Also Milk” by Laura Grothaus

How can language be used to express the limits of language? In Laura Grothaus’s “Also Milk,” Luca reveals to the speaker that her mother’s losing language. “She calls everything milk. / Ketchup is milk. Water is milk.”

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