miCRo: “Departing” by Charis Morgan
The house would have folded sooner, but its clocks lost their hands.
miCRo: “The Musculature of Restraint” by Carolene Kurien
I come back the next day and throw every curl sloughing itself off my head on the butcher scale.
miCRo: “Après L’Ondée” by Brooke Middlebrook
In Brooke Middlebrook’s “Après L’Ondée,” scent is a mode of inquiry that necessitates sensitivity down to the level of the molecular.
miCRo: “Yonder” by Steve Castro, Christopher Citro, and Dustin Pearson
Steve Castro (top), Christopher Citro (bottom left), and Dustin Pearson (bottom right) Assistant Editor Kate Jayroe: As writers, we learn to accept that much of our drafting and crafting happens in solitude, so it was a fun surprise to encounter a collaborative prose...
miCRo: “Swamp” by Catherine Niu
Am I still the companion on your Southwest Airlines Companion Pass?
miCRo: “Posthuman Slays the Jabberwock” by Esmé Kaplan-Kinsey
In Esmé Kaplan-Kinsey’s retelling of Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky”, the slaying of the Jabberwock is called into question.
miCRo: “Black Beauty” by Mandira Pattnaik
“Did she remember to unhook her bra, or would she have felt it was better having it stifle her?” In this week’s miCRo, Mandira Pattnaik’s cadence is arresting and immediate.
miCRo: “New Normal” by Dinah Cox
Now, because he was lonely and the pandemic was supposed to be over, he walked five miles to the hardware store.
miCRo: “Wool” by Carly Berwick
In this story, wool is both material and an absorbing emblem.
miCRo: “The World Wants to See Itself” by Inger Christensen, translated by Bradley Harmon
Metaphysical prose by the celebrated Scandinavian writer Inger Christensen
miCRo: “Red Eye” by Neil Serven
In this story, the speaker and his family see a different version of his mother in old photos.
miCRo: Two stories by Matthew Torralba Andrews
In these two related stories, narrative is conveyed through small details.