miCRo series

miCRo: “This Creature” by Marlon Hacla

miCRo: “This Creature” by Marlon Hacla

Through the use of both warm and cold imagery as well as the exploration of nature, this piece builds and collapses two beings (human and beast) and two states of being (alive and dead) to explore what it means to actually live.

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miCRo: “Chimera” by Allison Funk

miCRo: “Chimera” by Allison Funk

When I first read Allison Funk’s poem, it lingered with me for days—not just because of her fiery last line, but also this concept or, rather, this fact that sometimes children’s physical cells can remain with a mother forever.

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miCRo: “From an Agnostic” by Kyle Carrero Lopez

miCRo: “From an Agnostic” by Kyle Carrero Lopez

Parentheses usually indicate a digression, a nonessential thought, language without grammatical relation to its surroundings. Yet through them Lopez reshuffles the possibilities, demonstrating that what has been erased or discarded is often what is most essential, and ultimately questioning narrative-formation itself.

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