As we near the near the end of our submission period for our print magazine, we encourage you to send work our way! We’re especially looking for wonderful literary nonfiction (surprisingly, we get the smallest number of submissions in this genre!), but if you have poetry or fiction, we’d love to see your work too. Our reading period will remain open until 11:59 p.m. EST, March 1, 2020. Submissions are free.
If you’re curious about what we’re looking for, check out the thoughts of our genre editors:
Literary Nonfiction Editor Kristen Iversen: “The Cincinnati Review seeks factually accurate literary nonfiction that is deeply engaged in literary craft; that is, writing where style and form matter just as much as the subject, and where the work engages character, story, and emotion, just as much as the most compelling novel or short story.” You can read more about what we’re looking for in a previous post on literary nonfiction.
Fiction Editor Michael Griffith: “ . . . I’m looking for work that has energy, that has complication (which is different than obfuscation or confusion); I’m looking for work that, whether it’s realistic or surrealistic, is rich in language and plot and structure. Work that stands out. Work that’s not just ecstatic, but that makes its reader feel ecstatic, too.”
Poetry Editor Rebecca Lindenberg: “Here’s what I’m looking for: Good poems, no. Terrific poems. Short poems, longer poems. Lineated poems, prose poems, poems that beg, borrow, and steal their forms from our long tradition, from other traditions, other disciplines. Ingenious poems. Hybrid poems. I’m looking for quiet poems, for poems with the volume turned all the way up. Lyric poems . . .”

You can read more from our editors and submit your pieces here!
Payment: $25/journal page of prose and $30/journal page of poetry
Note: We accept submissions for our miCRo online series year-round, except during the time when we’re accepting contest submissions.