Welcome, all, to the beginning of a new semester. Many of you are likely on the academic calendar like we are, so we wanted to introduce or reintroduce ourselves to you here at the start of the year. Here are some good news and goings-on from our staff (we’re writers too!):
As we mentioned earlier this year, Managing Editor Lisa Ampleman has a second book of poems, Romances, out from LSU Press. She’s currently working on a new project with the working title Mom in Space, with an interest in spaceflight.

Fiction Editor Michael Griffith’s essay collection, The Speaking Stone: Stories Cemeteries Tell, comes out this spring through University of Cincinnati Press. This summer, The Southern Review published two puzzles by Griffith—a crossword and a double acrostic—and more are forthcoming in the winter.
Literary Nonfiction Editor Kristen Iversen is the editor of Doom with a View: Historical and Cultural Contexts of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant (Fulcrum Publishing) and co-editor with David Lazar of Don’t Look Now: Things We Wish We Hadn’t Seen (OSU Press), both out this fall. She’s continuing final edits on her literary biography of Nikola Tesla, Friend and Faithful Stranger: The Untold Story of Nikola Tesla, researching for a literary nonfiction project based on an African American jazz club, literary salon, and mountain retreat that flourished in Colorado during the time of the KKK, and working on a novel. In January, she’ll travel to Norway as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Bergen.
Poetry Editor Rebecca Lindenberg had a poem in The Best American Poetry 2019 and in the final issue of Tin House, and she received a 2020 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award.
Recent publications for Editor-at-Large Don Bogen include a poem in Poetry Northwest, a lyric essay in Copper Nickel, and translations of contemporary Spanish poet, Juan Lamillar, in The Arkansas International and Tupelo Quarterly. He’s just finished translating Spanish poet Julio Martínez Mesanza’s new book Gloria, winner of the Spanish National Prize for Poetry in 2017. While Bogen has translated selected poems by Martínez Mesanza, this is the first time he’s translated a whole book.
This summer, Associate Editor Madeleine Wattenberg’s debut poetry collection I/O was selected as a finalist for the Miller Williams Prize and is forthcoming from University of Arkansas Press in 2021!
Assistant Editor Toni Judnitch, whose fiction appears in journals including AGNI, Sycamore Review, Nashville Review, and Ninth Letter, received Bellingham Review’s 2019 Annie Dillard Prize for Creative Nonfiction for her first published nonfiction piece, “Don’t You See,” just out last month.
Assistant Editor Lisa Low’s essay “How to Apologize” received the 2020 Gulf Coast Nonfiction Prize, and her poem “Mail-Order Groom” was a runner-up this summer in Redivider’s Beacon Street Prize in poetry.
Both Judnitch and Low are excited to be new staff members this year! We continue to be inspired by your work, and we look forward to reading your submissions this year!